
Latest legal updates: Actual users of Drum decontamination recycler authorised by GPCB Actual users of metal recycler authorized by GPCB Actual users of spent solvent recycler authorised by GPCBIntroduction The Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, updated as of June 2023, offer businesses and industries engaged in electronic waste (e-waste) disposal…

Introduction The list of authorized users of spent solvent for recycling under the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, as updated in June 2023, is a crucial reference point for businesses and industries dealing with hazardous waste disposal in India. These rules, formulated to safeguard the environment and human health, necessitate…

The list of actual users of lead acid battery & scrap authorized by GPCB under Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 is given below. This comprehensive list, updated in June 2023, provides essential information for stakeholders to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and safe waste management practices. Regulatory Compliance Under Environment…

Latest legal updates: Guidelines for stone crushing units Recyclers for used oil and waste oil Actual users of hazardous wastes authorized by GPCBOn August 18, 2023, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) released the Guidelines for the Management of Pyro-metallurgical Slags specifically tailored to Copper Smelters. “hazardous waste” means any waste which by reason of…

Firstly, the guidelines for stone crushing units categorize these units into small, medium, and large-scale operations based on capacity. To clarify, “small” units have a capacity of 25 TPH,“medium” units range from 25 to 100 TPH, and“large” units are those operating above 100 TPH. Secondly, it is now compulsory for stone-crushing units to obtain Consent…