E-Waste (Management) Rules

Understanding the New Guidelines for Extended Producer Responsibility and Electronic Trading Platforms Introduction As sustainability becomes a cornerstone of global policies, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) continues to drive change in waste management. Recently, detailed guidelines for the functioning of Extended Producer Responsibility and Electronic Trading & Settlement Platform (EPRETP) were issued. These guidelines aim to…

Introduction Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) unveiled a significant initiative concerning E-Waste Regulation Compliance pertaining to generate EPR certificate. This initiative directly relates to Producers and Recyclers, operating within the framework of the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022. Role of Producers and Recyclers under E-Waste (Management) Rules Within these regulations, Recyclers are mandated to engage in…

The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change has released the E-Waste (Management) Second Amendment, 2023, which states the following: Amendment to Rule 5: In the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), in rule 5, after clause (3), insert the following clause: “You must adopt approved destruction technologies to manage…

Central Pollution Control Board has released a notification regarding the release of imported consignments of procedure of 106 EEEs items. In past notification authority has requested for releases of imported consignments of Producers as defined in the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022 after taking an undertaking and also on the submission of acknowledgment from the CPCB’s…

The state wise list of Ewaste Recyclers India May 2023 has been updated by Central Pollution Control Board (as on 03.05.2023). You may download the list from the below link. The list of Ewaste recyclers is regularly updated by state pollution control boards. As per Environment Protection Rules, hazardous wastes shall be disposed off as…

The state wise list of Ewaste Recyclers India Jan 2023 has been updated by Central Pollution Control Board (as on 31.01.2023). You may download the list from the below link. The list of Ewaste recyclers is regularly updated by state pollution control boards. As per Environment Protection Rules, hazardous wastes shall be disposed off as…