MoEFCC releases a categorized list of power plants based on their proximity to populated areas in accordance with their April 2021 notification. This categorized list of power plants has been provided below.

A task force was appointed for the categorization of 596 power plants based in India. The coal-based power plants have been divided into 3 categories on the given basis:

Category A: Power plants located within a 10 km radius of the NCR or any city having a population of more than a million.

Category B: Power plants located within a 10 km radius of critically polluted areas or non-attainment zones.

Category C: Rest all power plants fall under this category.

Emission norms have been defined for these coal-based power plants and there is also a provision of levying penalties in case of breach of compliance.

Date of Release – 13.12.2021

Applicable – Thermal power plants across India

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