Water Rules 1976 amended by Andhra Pradesh Government by the Department of Environment, Forests, Science and Technology Department, As per the revised amended legal provision:

(1) The definitions of ‘Annual Compliance Statement’ ‘Environmental Quality Assessment Auditor’ & ‘Environment Statement’ have been included.

(2) Every person or occupier carrying on any industry, factory, mine, operation or process and all other activities which require consent under the Act, shall submit the annual compliance statement to the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board in the prescribed format every year on or before 30th September along with the environmental statement.

(3) After submission of the statement the occupier has to publish the statement on their own website as well as Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board’s website with a provision of reviews and comments.

(4) If an occupier fails to submit a statement then he/she is liable to pay late fees.

(5) The occupiers carrying out activities that need consent under the water act shall ensure adequate treatment of waste and ensure scientific disposal of trade effluent, hazardous and other wastes through authorized agencies so that waste disposal monitoring can be done effectively.

Date of Release – 12.11.2021

Applicable – Any consent holder under the Water Act based in Andhra Pradesh.

Download Amendment on Andhra Pradesh Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1976.


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