
The Central pollution Control Board has released guidelines for utilization of treated effluent in irrigation. The industry should engage an agricultural scientist or tie-up with an agricultural university or institute for advice on the utilization or the rate of application of the effluent for irrigation considering the agro-climatic conditions. As seasons and the sowing periods…

Ministry Of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change has been released draft notification on Regulation of CETP. Effluent treatment plants need land for construction, capital cost, power and specialized manpower for their operation and maintenance. Because of these constraints, small scale tanneries can not afford to have their own effluent treatment facilities and therefore, combined effluent…

Gujarat Pollution Control Board has released office mandate to obtain Consent To Establish separately for common facility type industries. CTE-Consent to establish is NOC given by GPCB which is required before you start your business or enterprise as per The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act – 1974 and the air (prevention and control of…