2023 Legal Update

CPCB has issued a significant notification, introducing the Framework for the generation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Certificate Framework under the E-Waste (Management) Rules of 2022. This framework specifically targets key metals derived from the recycling of electronic waste (E-waste). Initiating Focus on Specific Metals The key metals are divided into three distinct groups: Precious…

Introduction MoEFCC released the Ecomark Certification Rules, 2023, with the primary objective of promoting eco-friendly products and assessing their environmental impact across various facets. These aspects include resource consumption, climate change effects, impacts on nature and biodiversity, energy usage, waste generation, emissions into the environment, physical pollution effects, and the management of hazardous substances. The…

Introduction Central Government issued the Green Credit Rules, 2023, through an official notification. The primary aim of this program is to foster environmental conservation and sustainability using market-driven mechanisms. This initiative represents an innovative approach, harnessing a competitive market system to incentivize and promote environmentally responsible actions among a diverse array of stakeholders. Key Elements:…

Latest legal updates: Actual users of Drum decontamination recycler authorised by GPCB Actual users of metal recycler authorized by GPCB Actual users of spent solvent recycler authorised by GPCBIntroduction The Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, updated as of June 2023, offer businesses and industries engaged in electronic waste (e-waste) disposal…

Introduction Monitoring and enforcement mechanism for the Standard Operating Procedure infrastructure like roads, pipelines, and water bodies through projects like dredging and de-silting for upkeep, disaster management, and functionality.   The Ministry emphasizes the need to enforce the mentioned SOP/environmental safeguards thoroughly in the field.  project proponent should inform the concerned SPCB at least fortnight before…

Latest legal updates: Guidelines for stone crushing units Recyclers for used oil and waste oil Actual users of hazardous wastes authorized by GPCBOn August 18, 2023, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) released the Guidelines for the Management of Pyro-metallurgical Slags specifically tailored to Copper Smelters. “hazardous waste” means any waste which by reason of…