
The list of authorized solvent recovery units in AP 2021 has been updated by Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board.  Solvent recyclers remove soils, debris and oils from used cleaning solvent through distillation, and allow for reuse of the cleaning solvent. A solvent recovery system for used solvents can reduce solvent purchases by over 95% and…

The Labour and Employment Department of Himachal Pradesh has released the Himachal Pradesh Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Amendment Rules, 2021 as per legal updates amendments: (1) The board may provide financial assistance for the education of the children of the beneficiary. (2) Schemes like Female Birth Gift Scheme, Mentally…

Download List – Spent Solvent Recyclers in Andhra Pradesh QHSE SOFTWARE SOLUTION Legal Compliance Software Safety Permit Software Quality Assurance Software ISO Container Software Behaviour-Based Safety Software Incident Management Software EHS Observation Software Complaint Management Software IMS Lead Auditor Course CONTACT Akshar Management Consultant +91-9909979870 Latest legal updates: Ewaste recyclers in AP 2021…

Authorized Ewaste recyclers in AP 2021 have been updated by Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board. You may download the list from the below link. As per Environment Protection Rules, hazardous wastes shall be disposed off as per consent obtained from the State Pollution Control Board. It is highly recommended to dispose off the waste through…

Authorized Ewaste dismantlers in Himachal 2021 have been updated by Himachal Pradesh Pollution Control Board. You may download the list from the below link. Hazardous-waste management, the collection, treatment, and disposal of waste material that, when improperly handled, can cause substantial harm to human health and safety or to the environment.E-waste dismantling involves breaking the final…