permit to work

Gujarat Pollution Control Board has released office mandate to obtain Consent To Establish separately for common facility type industries. CTE-Consent to establish is NOC given by GPCB which is required before you start your business or enterprise as per The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act – 1974 and the air (prevention and control of…

Central Pollution Control Board has released guidelines for environment compensation to be levied for violation of plastic waste management rules, 2016. As per provision 9.2 of Schedule-II notified through Amendments to PWM Rules dated February 16,2022 “Central Pollution Control Board shall lay down guidelines for imposition and collection of environment compensation (EC) on Producers, Importers…

Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEFCC) has released Battery Management Rules 2022 on 22nd August 2022. The battery management rules 2022 is released to bring clarity about used batteries and waste batteries. The definition of bulk-consumer is deleted and all end users are considered as consumers. The legal obligation for the consumer is…