Registration Process of Producers, Importers & Brandowners (PIBOs) Under Plastic Waste Management (PM) Rules 2016
The board has decided the process of registration on hold for PBIOs for 3 months (effective immediately). Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has released a notice regarding the process of registration on hold for PIBOs (Producers, Importers & Brand Owners) under the Plastic Waste Management (PMW) Rules, 2016. Registration activities shall be resumed upon final notification of EPR regulations by MoEF &CC.
CPCB is presently registering PIBOs in accordance with provision of PWM
Rules, 2016, as amended. CPCB had issued Standard Operating Procedure and launched online portal in this regard. MoEF&CC has notified Draft Regulations on Extended Producer Responsibility (EP) for Plastic Packaging on October 06, 2021.
In view of the Draft Notification issued by MoEF&CC on the matter, it is to hereby inform that Registration process of PIBOs under PWM Rules at CPCB is being kept in abeyance for a period of three months with immediate effect. The same shall be resumed upon final Notification of EP Regulations by MoEF&CC. The PIBOs may take initiatives to realign their EP plan as per the said draft Notification during the intervening period. Necessary adjustments, in the application fees paid by the PIBOs who have submitted the application the online portal, shall be madeas required.
Date of Release – 20.10.2021
Applicable – Producers, Importers & brand owners (PIBOs) under the Plastic Waste Management (PMW) Rules 2016
Download – Notification regarding the registration process of Producers, Importers & Brand Owners
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