MoEFCC updates the validity of EC, the environmental clearance process is required for 39 types of projects and covers aspects like screening, scoping, and evaluation of the upcoming projects.

Environmental Clearance validity for the following projects were:

  1. 13 years for a river valley project
  2. 15 years for a nuclear power project
  3. 30 years for mining projects
  4. 10 years for all other projects

According to the legal update, EC can be extended up to:

  1. 2 years for river valley projects, now making it valid up to 15 years
  2. 5 years for nuclear power projects, now making it valid up to 20 years
  3. 20 years for mining projects, now making it valid up to 50 years
  4. 1 year for all other projects, now making it valid up to 11 years

These extensions will be valid only after consultation with the Expert Appraisal Committee. In the case of mining projects, the EAC will examine the facility every 5 years beyond 30 years to make sure that existing environmental safeguards are still adequate & new safeguards to be incorporated into the environment management plan till the end of 50 years.

Date of Release – 12.04.2022

Applicable – Projects falling under category A

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