It has been observed that intensive actions are required by the SPCBs/PCCs/State UDs for effective implementation of ban on SUP. Therefore, under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to the Chairman, CPCB following directions are issued for compliance:

  1. To set up a Control Room to facilitate activities related to effective implementation of SUP ban, which would include, providing assistance, guidance, clarification and information as may be sought by various stakeholders regarding ban on SUP items, which may include but not limited to the following:
  • Specific items covered under / excluded from SUP Ban.
  • Alternatives to banned SUP items and their availability in the respective State/UT.
  • Guidance for filing of Complaints on SUP Public Grievance App.
  • In case, the complainant is not able to file the complaint on the SUP Public Grievance App, then the person in-charge of the Control room shall obtain details regarding the Complaint and register the Complaint under the “Register Complaint” Section on the SUP Compliance Monitoring Portal the Portal has provision for sending the complaint to the concerned Local Body for further necessary action.
  • Guidance for operation of SUP Compliance Monitoring Portal.
  • Issues related to switching over to Alternatives including Issue of Consent / Registration to Plastic producers (Consent Mechanism/ OCCMS/ Closure Notice/ Renewal).
  • Compostable plastic manufacturers: Certification procedure, testing facilities, certified compostable plastic manufacturers.
  1. The Control Room shall monitor enforcement of the SUP ban by various concerned agencies and report compliance status through SUP Compliance Monitoring Portal.
  2. The Control Room to be operated on all days from June 30, 2022 to July 31, 2022. It should be managed by trained officials who have adequate information on the subject.
  3. Daily report to be filed under the “Daily Report Section” on the SUP Compliance Portal by 4:00 P.M. Information regarding status of filing/ redressal of Complaints has to be obtained from both the SUP Grievance App & SUP Compliance Monitoring Portal.
  4. To undertake Comprehensive awareness activities.
  5. To undertake intensive enforcement activities w.r.t SUP ban, that is, to carry out inspections and to ensure that all the complaints in the SUP Grievance App or any other similar app is being resolved.
  6. Characterization of municipal solid waste for the presence of banned SUP items in compliance of Directions dated July 29, 2021 issued to SPCBs/PCCs on the subject.

Date of Release: 30.06.2022

ApplicablePlastic Manufacturers, Plastic Products Producers, Plastic Product Users, Plastic Recycling Agency, Plastic Waste Handling Units

Download Directions to SPCBs/ PCCs & UDDs for implementation of ban on SUP


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