The ministry of environment, forest & climate change has released office memorandum for clarification on the applicability of EIA Notification 2006 for manufacturing of welded pipes and seamless tubes.

Metallurgical industries are covered under item 3(a) of the schedule of the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006. Of these Industries, all non-toxic secondary metallurgical processing Industries with production capacity greater than 5000 tonnes per annum require prior Environmental Clearance (EC) from the State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA). Further, the above Notification provides that, in case of secondary metallurgical processing Industrial Units, involving the operation of furnaces only such as induction / electric arc / submerged arc/cupola with a capacity of more than 30,000 tonnes per annum, would require prior EC. All non-toxic secondary metallurgical processing Industries involving the operation of furnaces only, such as induction and electric arc furnaces, submerged arc furnaces, and cupolas with capacity > 30,000 TPA but < 60,000 TPA were categorized as B2 category provided that such projects are located within notified Industrial Estates.

The matter was duly examined by the concerned sectoral Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) based on the report/inputs from National Institute of Secondary Steel Technology, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab. After due deliberation, the sectoral EAC recommended that manufacturing of welded pipes and seamless tubes are not secondary metallurgical process, have low pollution load, and are neither covered under the ambit of EIA, Notification, 2006, as amended from time to time, nor the EIA Technical Guidance Manual for Metallurgical Industries issued by this Ministry. The EAC further recommended that necessary clarification be issued accordingly regarding non- requirement of EC for the following two processes:

  • Fabrication units of different types of pipes & tubes (viz. electrical resistance welding pipes, spiral welded pipes, longitudinal welded, sub-merged ARC welded pipes, stainless steel welded Pipes) through welding process from carbon steel coil (HRC) & Plates and Stainless steel coils & plates.
  • Fabrication Units of Stainless-steel Seamless Tubes, from stainless-steel bright round bars through hollow pipe hot horizontal press process.

Based on the report/inputs from the National Institute of Secondary Steel Technology, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab and further recommendations of the sectoral EAC, the matter has been examined and is hereby clarified that the projects/activities listed above, are not covered under the ambit of EIA Notification 2006 and does not require prior EC, provided that there is no involvement of furnaces. For official notification click on below given link.

Download – Notification on clarification on the applicability of EIA for manufacturing of welded pipes and seamless tubes

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