PESO asks to revise OEP (onsite emergency preparedness plan) from the license holders of Ammonium Nitrate under Ammonium Nitrate Rules, 2012 and Manufacture Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989.

The license holders falling under this category with a storage capacity of more than 350 MT have to revise and update their on-site emergency plan and submit a copy to respective PESO office.

Circular on sensitizing the licence holders of Ammonium Nitrate Storage Magazines. covered under licence in Form P-3 of Ammonium Nitrate Rules 2012

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is involved in the process of assessing the exiting safety protocols available at the Major Accident Hazard premises including the premises for storage of Ammonium Narate In this regard all the licence holders of Ammonium Nitrate Storage Magazines, covered under licence in Form P-3 of Ammonium Nitrate Rules 2012 with storage capacity is more than 350 MT are requested to revise/ update their On-site emergency plan as required under Ride 13 of Manufacture Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules 1989. A copy the updated Plans shall be submitted to concerned PESO office as per their inspection jurisdiction

Date of Release – 21.09.2021

Applicable – License holder of Ammonium Nitrate Storage

Download PESO circular for license holder under Ammonium Nitrate storage


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