Authorized Ewaste recyclers in Himachal Pradesh 2021 have been updated by Himachal Pradesh Pollution Control Board. You may download the list from the below link.
As per Environment Protection Rules, hazardous wastes shall be disposed off as per consent obtained from the State Pollution Control Board. It is highly recommended to dispose off the waste through the recycling method, but it is equally important to ensure that the recycling agency must be registered and approved by the regulatory authority. The list of such waste recyclers is updated and published frequently in order to ensure compliance.
At the time of disposing of the hazardous waste, it is important to verify the documents of the recycling agency. All such registered recycling agencies are not approved to collect, store, or process all kinds of waste. For example, e-waste recycling agency is not allowed for used-oil disposal.
Download List – Ewaste Recyclers in Himachal Pradesh
Behaviour-Based Safety Software
Akshar Management Consultant
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